The Rose - Bette Midler
I’ve taken to doing two blog posts at a time, because I never feel done, and I always see another song I want to do a post on. So in...
Your Go-To Source
I’ve taken to doing two blog posts at a time, because I never feel done, and I always see another song I want to do a post on. So in...
I know people may think I chose this song from a feminist angle, and while it fits that theme, I chose it for the lines “I know you have...
This is my halloween entry for my blog. For Halloween I dressed up as Harley Quinn, and it has more to it than first appears. Her name...
I listened to this song during my breakdown, before I was hospitalised for psychosis. I was voluntary the first time and sectioned the...
I’ve had my heart broken a few times. When I stopped being Baby. When Nonna died. The boys that broke my heart. The psychosis. The...
"I was still a child, didn't get the chance to feel the water round me. Had no time to choose, what I chose to do. So go easy on me" I...
I loved this song at one point It has such a good message to it, pretty self explanatory After everything, the thing i’m most proud of is...
To expand on the last post - there is a large societal expectation set out for women, and we learn it young Pretty will protect you, your...
This song just fits perfectly with my identity disorder. All of the lyrics Baby I’m still your girl How do I love, how do I trust...
I used to listen to this while writing Paper Doll, while I had psychosis, before I was hospitalised I loved it It takes me back even now,...
Autoimmune part 2 My family loved me, more than anything, but even they couldn't protect me from the autoimmune illness. It was, as with...
This song is full of lines that relate to my identity disorder, but the main ones are: “I can never leave the past behind… I’m always...
There are many lines in this song that at the time of recovery from my identity disorder I related to doesn’t have a problem lying to...
I listened to this while I was recovering from my identity disorder. I related to many characters in various songs, and Sheila was one My...
I’ve always wanted my life to be like a movie, since I was a little girl. It’s a cliche for a reason. We grow up on fairytales, and rom...
I was looking through old photos earlier and there were so many of me as a little girl. One of them I took with me to the psychiatric...
Two blog posts in one day! Can you tell I have free time on my hands?? But I have a lot of ideas, songs and time so why not This song and...
I love this song. She hides like a child, to me, captures the identity disorder perfectly. It was childhood trauma, triggered by my...
This song always makes me think of Baby at her best - in a nice outfit, pretty dress, make up done, not smeared because she was drunk...
Todays blog entry is about my struggles with my sexuality. I never used to think i was bisexual, I thought I was straight. I’d always...